Bring your Worship to Life

Downloadable Music Files of the AMEC Music for Worship: Organ and Piano Accompaniment

Some congregations need musical accompaniment as they continue worshipping and practicing social distancing during this period. MCAM has made it Music for AMEC Worship available as downloadable music files.

These files are presented in .mp3 format. Your download is a .zip file that will need to be opened. Some files are large so be prepared to wait after you hit the download button.

Music Download Buttons

Downloadable Annual Conference Music

Downloadable Annual Conference Music

The Music and Christian Arts Ministry has provided virtual choir renditions of several hymns and service music often used in our annual conferences and other gatherings. Lyrics are included to encourage “congregational” singing as we social distance.

Downloadable Annual Conference Music

Look Up and Sing: A Visual Hymnal

The AMEC Publishing House (Sunday School Union) has created a collection of presentation slides of beloved hymns found in the AMEC Hymnal in order that the lyrics might be projected or displayed virtually. Elevate your learning and worship experiences with this valuable resource.

Resources for Devotion and Study during the Coronavirus Pandemic

September 12, Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

September 12, Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost Devotional Meditation

This devotional meditation by Mr. Daniel H. Wilcox is based on one of the passages from the lection for Sunday, James 3:1-12. It can be used as group devotional time or for an individual.

September 12, Wisdom’s Calling Word Search Activity

Based on one of the lectionary passages for this week: Proverbs 1:20-33, this intergenerational activity helps us think about WISDOM as we celebrate Christian Education Sunday.

September 5, Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

September 5, Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost Devotional Meditation

This devotional meditation by Mr. Daniel H. Wilcox is based on one of the passages from the lection for Sunday, James 2:1-10, (11-13), 14-17. It can be used as group devotional time or for an individual.

September 5, Doxology Signing Challenge

One of the passages from the lection for this week, Mark 7:24-37 tells the story of Jesus healing a man who was deaf and had a speech impediment. Jesus still has the power to heal; but, even many people who may be deaf and unable to speak still have the ability to praise God for all the blessings they receive. Watch this video and practice until you learn how to offer praise to God through the Doxology in American Sign Language.

August 29, Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

August 29, Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost Devotional Meditation

This devotional meditation by Mr. Daniel H. Wilcox is based on one of the passages from the lection for Sunday, James 1:17-27. It can be used as group devotional time or for an individual.

August 29, Clean Hands vs Clean Hearts Word Search Activity

This intergenerational activity helps us think about the lessons from one of the lectionary passages for this week: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23.

August 22, Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

August 22, Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost Devotional Meditation

This devotional meditation by Mr. Daniel H. Wilcox is based on one of the passages from the lection for Sunday, Ephesians 6:10-20. It can be used as group devotional time or for an individual.

August 22, Bread of Heaven Baking Activity

This intergenerational baking activity is inspired by one of the passages for this week’s lection: John 6:56-69 and is a fun way to help us think about how Jesus is like bread. This easy recipe makes an unleavened bread that can even be used for communion.

August 15, Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

August 15, Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost Devotional Meditation

This devotional meditation by Mr. Daniel H. Wilcox is based on one of the passages from the lection for Sunday, Ephesians 5:15-20. It can be used as group devotional time or for an individual.

August 15, Singing Glasses Activity

This intergenerational science activity is inspired by one of the passages for this week’s lection: Ephesians 5:15-20 and is a fun way to help us think about how we can be different and still make music together to praise and thank God.

August 8, Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

August 8, Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost Devotional Meditation

This devotional meditation by Mr. Daniel H. Wilcox is based on one of the passages from the lection for Sunday, Ephesians 4:25-5:2. It can be used as group devotional time or for an individual.

August 8, Bread Sent From Heaven Baking Activity

This intergenerational activity is based on one of the passages for this week’s lection: John 6:35, 41-51 and is a fun way to help us think about Jesus as the Bread of Life.

August 1, Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

August 1, Tenth Sunday after Pentecost Devotional Meditation

This devotional meditation by Mr. Daniel H. Wilcox is based on one of the passages from the lection for Sunday, Ephesians 4:1-16. It can be used as a family or group devotional time or for an individual.

August 1: Thankful for Manna from Heaven Race

Inspired by Exodus 16:2-4, 9-15, this intergenerational game is a fun way to remember how God provided food in the wilderness for the Israelites and how God provides for all of us.

July 25, Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

July 25, Ninth Sunday after Pentecost Devotional Meditation

This devotional meditation by Mr. Daniel H. Wilcox is based on one of the passages from the lection for Sunday, Ephesians 3:14-21. It can be used as a family or group devotional time or for an individual.

July 25: Loaves and Fish Craft Activity

For the young and the young-at-heart, this craft activity based on one the passages of the lection, John 6:1-21, reminds us that if we give what we have to Jesus, he can use it to help others.

Resources For Devotion Archives

Emanuel Movie Discussion Guide

This discussion guide is designed to provide tools and resources to help leaders facilitate a discussion about Emanuel—whether in a theater after the film is screened, in a church setting, or a small group setting. These questions are not meant to serve as a rigid template but, instead, provide a flexible framework to foster dialogue around the core themes of the film.

Exploring the 2018-2019 Connectional Theme: Environmental Justice

Greeting from the World Council of Churches Ecumenical Water Network to the 2019 UBUNTU Christian Education Summit, February 19, 2019; Cape Town, South Africa

No Good Comes From the Mine

Women Rise for Justice fundraising trailer as shared by Presiding Elder Betty Kauna Schroder, Namibia, during the CE Summit thematic plenary—Exploring our Connectional Theme: Environmental Justice

Hidden Figures Faith Discussion Guide

Seasonal Liturgical Colors

People of the Anvil

A small pamphlet introduction to the history and polity of the AME Church.

Worship Resources

The AME Church Publishing House (Sunday School Union) has produced some free resources to enhance worship and faith formation.

Offering a wide variety of resources, The African American Lectionary is a wonderful depository of assets and information.

In Times Like These … A Pan-African Christian Devotional for Public Policy Engagement.

Lament and Hope is a Pan-African Devotional Guide commemorating the 2019 Quad-Centennial of the forced transatlantic voyage of enslaved African peoples to Jamestown, Virginia USA.

Four Bible studies prepared for the Conference on World Mission and Evangelism are now available online at WCC website,

The conference committee responsible for worship, Bible study and spiritual exercise commissioned theologians from diverse theological and cultural backgrounds to write studies related to the conference theme Moving in the Spirit: Called to Transforming Discipleship.

Founder’s Day Resources

Celebrating the “A” in AME by Bishop Adam J. Richardson
This litany appears in The Anvil, Sankofa: Worshipping God Yesterday, Today, and Forever, Annual Resource Guide, 2019-2020, (pp 216-218) by the Council of Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. To access other litanies and worship resources, copies of The Anvil can be purchased through the AMEC Publishing House.

Founder’s Day Skit by Dr. Johnel Bryant Robinson
This skit appears in The Anvil, Sankofa: Worshipping God Yesterday, Today, and Forever, Annual Resource Guide, 2019-2020, (pp 288-290) by the Council of Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. To access other worship resources, copies of The Anvil can be purchased through the AMEC Publishing House.

Founder’s Day Exercise and Answer Key by Dr. Johnel Bryant Robinson
This exercise appears in The Anvil, Sankofa: Worshipping God Yesterday, Today, and Forever, Annual Resource Guide, 2019-2020, (pp 288-290) by the Council of Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. To access other worship resources, copies of The Anvil can be purchased through the AMEC Publishing House.

Founders Day Litany
By Rev. Garland F. Pierce, Executive Director, AMEC Department of Christian Education Inspired by Psalm 138 (Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C)

Richard Allen Faux Stained Glass Activity
Materials Need:
– 8.5 x 11 reproducible image (Richard Allen)
– Wax paper
– Ruler
– Tape
– Paper frames and precut mat boards (14″ x 20″)
– Colored markers (Sharpies work well)

This piece was written by Bishop John Hurst Adams (1927-2018) and appeared in The Journal of Christian Education, Volume. 60 Fall 1999 Number 26.

Word Search
This activity is for youth and the young at heart.

Richard Allen Documentary
This short video tells the story of Richard Allen and the founding of the AME Church. There are also versions with Spanish, French, and Portuguese subtitles.

Video Study Resources
Christian Educators from Mother Bethel, the South Philadelphia District, and the Philadelphia Conference produced study resources for various age levels to accompany the documentary.

The Richard Allen Story
The Torchlighters
The Richard Allen Story | Episode 22 by Vision Video
Music notes

Songs for Founder’s Day
These three original pieces, created by Ms. Florine Pernell Herron (8th Episcopal District), Connectional MCAM Director of Instruments and Connectional WMS Worship Leader, each tell the story of the African Methodist Episcopal Church’s founding:

September Christian Education Month Resources

Whether you are in your Zoom sanctuary for worship or for church school, Bible study, or fellowship, you can use this virtual background to celebrate Christian Education!
Download by Clicking Here!!

Call to Worship

This Call to Worship is most fitting for Christian Education Sunday as it offers thanks and praise to God for learning and teaching.
An Order of Installation of Church School and/or Christian Education Boards/Staff/Workers:
Christian Education Sunday is a wonderful time to install teachers and leaders in the Christian Education ministry into their positions or honor their service in the church. This suggested order beautifully does this.
Need Fresh Ideas?

Recruitment Ideas

Here are a few simple ideas as to how you can use the month to highlight the teaching ministry of the church and invite others to participate and offer leadership and service.

Litany of Commitment

This litany is an easy and effective way to bring Christian Education into your worship experience.

Prayer for Christian Education

You have called us to the teaching ministry of the church. We pray for that ministry and for the various ministries in the Department of Christian Education.

Prayer for the New Learning Year

This prayer can be used in the context of worship on Christian Education Sunday or during the assembly during Church School.

A Litany of Covenantal Learning

This litany recognizes the importance of the teaching ministry and those who serve and lead in it as well as those who are blessed by it. It is for worship on the Sunday when Christian Education is highlighted and lifted up.

A Litany for Christian Education Month

This litany written by Ms. Carlene L. Douglas is one of celebration of and commitment to the teaching ministry.

Looking for ideas?

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