by Christian Education | Jun 21, 2020 | The Gifts of Wisdom
Sunday, June 21 Today we celebrate Father’s Day in the USA and elsewhere. We offer thanksgiving for biological, adoptive, and spiritual fathers who have played a significant role in the lives of people everywhere. Remember to pray for the strength and relationships of...
by Christian Education | Jun 20, 2020 | The Gifts of Wisdom
Saturday, June 20 Today is World Refugee Day. We remember and pray for every individual without a place to call home because they have been uprooted due to war, famine, human trafficking, or natural disaster. A litany of other human actions displaces people every day....
by Christian Education | Jun 19, 2020 | The Gifts of Wisdom
Friday, June 19 Wisdom Present and Active During Creation Proverbs 8:22-31 NRSV Then I was beside him, like a master worker; and I was daily in his delight, rejoicing before him always. Proverbs 8:30 Wisdom existed since the creation of the world. Doesn’t it bring joy...
by Christian Education | Jun 18, 2020 | The Gifts of Wisdom
Thursday, June 18 Wisdom Calls the People to Respond Proverbs 8:1-7 NRSV “To you, O people, I call, and my cry is to all that live.” Proverbs 8:4 Heeding wisdom’s call leads to more abundant living.
by Christian Education | Jun 17, 2020 | The Gifts of Wisdom
Wednesday, June 17 As the world continues to struggle and recover from the impact of COVID-19, let us pray for the physical, mental, and emotional health of every first and last responder. Pray for those who have yet to start their journey to recovery because the...
by Christian Education | Jun 16, 2020 | The Gifts of Wisdom
Tuesday, June 16 God Abundantly Rewards Job’s Faithfulness Job 1:1-5 NRSV And when the feast days had run their course, Job would sanctify them, and he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings according to the number of them all; for Job said, “It may...